On 3/28/2024, the group of concerned parents of US EGMO/IMO/RMM team wrote another letter to MAA:
On 3/17/2024, MAA declared to tighten the security for the upcoming USAMO/USAJMO tests.
On 2/22/2024, a letter was delivered to MAA from a group of concerned parents of US EGMO/IMO/RMM teams urging MAA to take measure to prevent security breaches.
On 11/8/2023, AMC 10A/12A took place with the leaked test unchanged.
A few days later,MAA responded with an announcement that they have identified the source of the leak, and they will utilize human resource and AI to detect anomalies.
On 11/4/2023, a group of “concerned parents and educators” set up a petition letter to MAA board of directors on change.org, hoping MAA can take action.
Around 11/2/2023 a leak of the upcoming AMC 10A/12A test was reported and discussed at AOPS forum and Discord. It was confirmed that the leaked paper was real.